I was chatting with a client the other day and casually mentioned the idea of displaying random ads on his club’s website to generate some income. His response was “What does random ads mean?”
I was surprised by the question but I suppose I shouldn’t have been. The “random” display of elements on a website is used all the time, but the fact that something has been displayed randomly is invisible to the website visitor. So, I guess a more accurate description is “invisibly random”.
With a bit of programming, we can create a set of pretty much anything – pictures, sayings, testimonials, ads, videos – and display a single, random item from that set on a web page. It’s like a digital roll of the dice.
Here are a few examples: Note: if you visit one of these sites and hit the refresh button, you will see the content change.
- http://www.mapleridgerecreationcentre.com – random ad
- http://www.lakefieldhort.org/who-we-are – random gallery image
- http://www.thelifeinsuranceguy.com – random video
If random is too – well, random – it’s also possible to display elements according to the time of day, or the season; for example you can display snowy images in Winter and sunshine and flowers in the Summertime. You can also display business hours in real time.
When it comes to random display, you’re only limited by your imagination.
If you have an idea for the random display of elements on your website, give us a call at 705-927-2308 or send us an email at .