Monthly Archives: February 2014

Blogging Software
Blogging Software avatar

The word ‘blog’ is short for ‘weblog’.  A blog is actually a website with a standard structure that allows you, the blogger, the ability to regularly record and share information, opinions, images, videos and links with a world wide audience.  If you want to blog, you will need to make a few decisions. Do I want a basic blog or do I want a website that has a blog as one of the pages? If you already have a website, […]

10 Password Safety Tips
10 Password Safety Tips avatar

Do your passwords look like this: “#47R?R)(*l*8“? If not, it may be time to think about securing your accounts. Password cracking computer programs can try to guess your password at a rate of over one hundred million passwords per second.  What!?  I’m not making this up (Source: Wikipedia – Password Cracking)! These password cracking programs will keep trying until they gain access to your account, unless they are stopped by a firewall or security software.  Password cracking software is used […]

The Power of Colour
The Power of Colour avatar

What colours should you use on your website? Do you want warm, vivid, energetic colors like red, orange and yellow, or cool, calm, soothing colours like blue and green? What you decide depends on the message you want to send, the emotion you want to convey and the appeal it will have for your target audience. Branding If you’ve already worked through the branding process, a Web Designer can use this information to design & build your site, integrating the […]

My website is old…how do I know if it’s time for a new one?
My website is old…how do I know if it’s time for a new one? avatar

You have a site that you really like.  The only problem: it was built 10+ years ago.  Does that mean it’s time to bite the bullet and have it redone? Not necessarily.  Like anything (computers, cars, people) “old” doesn’t necessarily equal “ready for the junk pile”!  Like an old faded pair of jeans, sometimes websites can look and feel more comfortable with age. People often judge a website by the way it looks. The way a site looks has nothing […]