mobile devices

Also called hand held devices, referring to the ways people access the Internet without using a desktop, such as phones and tablets.

It’s Official: Google Has Decided You Need a Mobile-Friendly Website
It’s Official: Google Has Decided You Need a Mobile-Friendly Website avatar

We have been writing about and working with mobile-responsive design for a few years now.  Up until April of this year, building or switching to a mobile-friendly platform was a good idea, but – in my estimation – not a “must have”.  That changed on April 21st, 2015 when Google announced that “we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal.”  They make it sound so friendly!  But what does it mean? It means that, as of […]

Responsive Design Revisited
Responsive Design Revisited avatar

Back in January I wrote a blog post called “Responsive Web Design – The Silver Bullet for Mobile Friendly Websites?” discussing the cost/benefit of responsive design. In case you’re not familiar with the term, responsive design involves designing and building a website that is capable of adapting to the screen size of the end user.  Responsive websites will morph or shift to accommodate very large and very small screens. Since writing that article we have completed several more responsive websites […]

My website is old…how do I know if it’s time for a new one?
My website is old…how do I know if it’s time for a new one? avatar

You have a site that you really like.  The only problem: it was built 10+ years ago.  Does that mean it’s time to bite the bullet and have it redone? Not necessarily.  Like anything (computers, cars, people) “old” doesn’t necessarily equal “ready for the junk pile”!  Like an old faded pair of jeans, sometimes websites can look and feel more comfortable with age. People often judge a website by the way it looks. The way a site looks has nothing […]

4 ways to Evaluate your Website?
4 ways to Evaluate your Website? avatar

Have you ever said “I have an old – but reliable website; why would I spend time and money doing an update or redesign?” You may be right; your website may be fine just the way it is, but before you can make a firm decision, take a bit of time to evaluate your current site. The team at Black Cap Design developed a list of questions that will help you think critically about your current website.  We hope these […]